Game held in the North Star Hyundai Performance Arena - doors at 6 PM, game at 7 PM
Tickets $10 in advance or $15 at the door - children under 10 get in free!
Tickets available from:
- Your favorite derby girl
- Online by clicking here
Dedicated bus service from Stadium LRT Station in Edmonton to Servus Place, St. Albert.
Price: $10 for return trip, $5 one way. In an effort to promote public transit, we will offer an $8 return trip ticket with proof of previous ETS ticket.
Bus Departures:
- Leaves Stadium LRT Station at 5:00 PM for Servus Place
- Leaves Servus Place after the game 9:00 PM for Stadium LRT Station
- Leaves after party location at 11:30 PM for Stadium LRT Station
Proceeds from program sales will be donated to St. Albert Stop Abuse in Families
We hope to see you there!